Friday, 17 August 2007

In The Beginning...

In the beginning... well, my very first cross stitch project, I must have been around 10 years old. A star sign kit in hideous colours, I do not believe I actually finished it.

My second attempt was while I was still at university... I'll admit... the early 90's. I saw two nice cushions in a ladies magazine (either Libelle or Margriet) and decided to make them. The cross stitch part - my mother finished them as cushions a couple of years later. Don't they look just like the original!

My third attempt, autumn 2002, got me hooked for good! I walked into a craft store and noticed a book with a cross stitch Christmas tree angel on the front... I'd always wanted an angel to top my Christmas tree and had never found one I liked. I bought the book (on discount), fabric and floss right then and there... and haven't looked back since... Again, my mother finished the angel.

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