Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Skirt for Little Miss T.

It took me a while to finish this skirt for little Miss T. It didn't help that I punched an enormous hole in the side... but now the girls have matching skirts! G.


Anonymous said...

Wat heb je met het gaatje gedaan dan... hmmm :-)

Quilting1B said...

Tja, wat deed Hansje Brinkers met een gaatje in de dijk..... G.

Anonymous said...

NEE, dat meen je toch niet... je mist een vinger! O jee, hoe moet je nu verder naaien.. ;-) B.

Anonymous said...

like to fuck those beauties.

Anonymous said...

would spread those pretty legs wide.

Anonymous said...

they both are big enough to take it all up them.