My mom and I went to Leiden for the Stoffenspektakel, for the new summer fabrics. From left to right, top row: Sleeping Beauty (pink satins) for Little Miss T.'s birthday (secret project!), top for R. , pink dots for both girls, summer dresses. Yellow flowers for a skirt for R. with a matching striped tricot for a shirt. Red and grey tricot for my son, who wants a shirt with his name on the back! White floral for a skirt for R. and red and white dots for matching trousers. Bottom row: shirt fabric for little old me, purple cherries for a top for little miss T. and a purple flower print for a dress. Purple for a shirt for guess who?? Blue silk for a bridesmaids dress for little miss T. In the Groenoordhallen it looked purple, sorry little miss T. Pink linen for a dress for me! Now all I have to do is make the lot! Oh, I forgot the gold organza on top, that is for curtains! Thanks for all the help, mom! Couldn't have done it without you. G.